At Swimming Education, I can offer a bespoke service tailored to your needs, whether you are aquaphobic, a performance athlete e.g., a triathlete, learning to swim, or training for a military swim test, all swimming lessons and coaching sessions will be designed for your specific needs.
121 or 221 Swimming Lesson – These bespoke sessions are designed to either introduce, develop, improve or recap on skills and techniques. If you are looking to focus on one stroke only, or to learn all recognised skills and strokes, this session is broken into achievable stepping stones to help realise both aims and objectives. These sessions are designed for anyone, at any age and ability wanting to progress in swimming. Duration 30 minutes.
121 Aquaphobia Lesson – These sessions are tailored to help overcome any phobias around water. By first determining your PAR score (personal ability range), we will determine how you feel about certain water related or swimming activities and how they effect you emotionally or physically. Your result will show the severity of your aquaphobia on a score-based system (this system is based on scientific research conducted with Chichester University and the RLSS UK). From this point tailored sessions will be developed to support you in overcoming your fear. Duration 30 or 60 minutes.
121 or 221 Open Water – These sessions are designed to teach the differences between open water technique to indoor swimming, the skills used in open water events such as turning a buoy, and a strong focus on improving overall stamina and speed. Whether you have a specific event you are training for such as a triathlon, or whether you are preparing to adapt from the pool to open water, these sessions will be focussed on your specific open water needs. Duration 30 or 60 minutes.
121 or 221 Competitive Swimming – Training for a specific club or county event? A competitive swimming session is designed to focus on technique, stamina, speed and finessing starts and turns to improve swim race times. At competitive level, having a sound understanding and implementing the FINA laws both physically and mentally when racing is an important component to avoid disqualification – these laws are implemented during these sessions to improve mind and muscle memory. Duration 30 or 60 minutes.
121 or 221 Skill Sessions – These sessions are focussed on specific skills in swimming such as sculling, tumble turns, glides, surface dives and diving. Any skill that maybe holding you/your child back from progressing can be developed more quickly with an intense focus. These sessions incorporate skills required seen in other disciplines such as treading water for the RLSS National pool lifeguard qualification. Duration 30 minutes.
Adult and Child Sessions – From new born up. These sessions are designed for both an adult and child to be in the water together and learn the skills required to become confident in and around water, improve sensory awareness, learn how to hold a baby or child safely in water and teaching the necessary skills that are the grass roots of learning to swim. Duration 30 minutes.
121 Stroke Analysis – Often a swimmer will feel they are doing something wrong but cannot figure out what exactly needs to be changed to improve their stoke. These sessions are designed to break down the stroke into smaller more manageable practices through isolation drills, giving you time to focus on the areas that need improving and then rebuilding the stoke to gain a more efficient technique. Duration 30 or 60 minutes.
Assessment Training – These sessions are designed on the requirements you need to complete a swim test. Whether you are training to develop a hybrid stroke for the armed forces, need to reduce a timed swim down for a scuba test, or learn to develop lung capacity for the British stunt register underwater swims, this session is focussed on the components of your test you need to improve upon. Duration 30 or 60 minutes.